Out of Print titles ... |
Hard cover with dust jacket, 9½ x 6in., 231 pp, 130 illust., 1976. Print run
2,000 numbered copies, plus 500 overseas editions. ISBN 0 9597438 0 4. Out of
print 1985. Ian Skennerton’s first title, a study of the service rifles and
carbines from the ‘Brown Bess’ of the first fleet, through colonial days and
federation up to the 7.62mm L1A1. In today’s market, copies sell for: Exc-Fine
condition.. c.$200.00, Used $100.00-$150.00 |
Also check out our
For Sale page with some quite rare research material on offer. The
list is likely to change as some items are 'one of'. Some large
armourer's charts are available at Ian's table at gun shows, due to
the size and considerable topic range of the various drawings, it is
best to order direct.
Hard cover with dust jacket, 9½ x 6in., 134 pp, 100 illust., 1977. Printed
2,000 numbered copies. Out of print since 1987. ISBN 0 9598438 1 2.
A companion to ‘Australian Service Longarms’, this describes the associated
issue bayonets. Some experimental models are shown. While all variants are to be
found in the ‘British & Commonwealth Bayonets’, descriptions and colonial issues
are more detailed. Exc-Fine condition... c.$100.00, Used $60.00-$80.00 |
Hard cover with dust jacket, 9½ x 6in., 181 pp, 90 illust., 1977. Print run
2,000 copies.
ISBN 0 9597438 7 1. Out of print since early in 1986. A thorough look at
Britain’s first general issue breech-loader, many being converted from
percussion Enfields. New edition with previously unknown Mk1* Canadian short
rifle, Indian and constabulary models, newly published; '.577 Snider Enfield
Rifles & Carbines'. Exc-Fine ... c.$50.00,
Used condition... $25.00-$30.00 |
Soft cover, 9½ x 6in., 32 pp, 30 illust., soft cover, printed 1981. ISBN 0
949749 00 1. Out of print 1986. In demand, this monograph
has been updated by SAIS #13, ‘Special Service Lee- Enfields’ which
describes the De Lisle and gas-operated self-loading Lee-Enfield conversions
more fully with new material & illustrations.
Exc.-Fine condition ... c.$30.00
Used condition ... $20.00-$25.00 |
Ian Skennerton
Rifle & Carbine Issues of the British
as a Research CD in colour.
We may also produce a limited run of DeLuxe hard cover copies w/ dust jacket, 11¾ x 8½ in.,
c. 450 pages, 1,000 illust. in colour. From the Baker flintlock rifle,
through Brunswick, P'1853 Enfield, Snider, Martinis & Lee-Enfield to current
issue autos.
Research CD production in plastic case ...
c. $ 30.00
ISBN allocated as yet. Likely price ... ... c. $150.00 |
Paperback, 9½ x 6 in., 32 pp, 30 illust., 1983.
ISBN 0 949749 01 X.
The WW2 No.4 spike evolved through 3 Marks and minor variations and was also
applied to the Sten MC. The No.4 bayonet was also manufactured in Canada and
Pakistan. In Exc.-Fine condition ... c.$30.00
In Used condition, about ... $20.00 |
Small Arms Identification Series (S.A.I.S.) of 24
titles was completed with #24
'9mm Sten Mk V & Mk VI Machine Carbines'. User Handbook 40 titles, see
Handbook page.
SAIS #6, #14, 17, 19 & #21 are out of print along with Handbooks #9 (Win. Mod. 61)
and #10 (Win. Mod. 70).
Main efforts are
now directed to documentary and firearms DVD/CD sets, 'Sparrow Force', 'Pattern Room', 'Faris Catalogue' and 'Small Arms Series Live' - see
Hard cover, dust jacket, 9½ x 6in., 188 pp, 250 illust, 1983. Print 2,500
copies. ISBN 0 959749 02 8.
Out of print since 1987. Britain’s Pattern 1913 & 1914 rifles and their US
Model 1917 cousin. Considerable more new information and illustrations with a
greater emphasis on the US Model have resulted in a new volume being planned for
2001. Exc.-Fine condition ... c.$250.00, Used ... $100.00-$150.00 |
Hard cover with dust jacket, 11¼ x 8¼ in., 410 pp, 500+ illust., 1982 & 1987.
Print runs, 2 editions and presentation edition, 8,000+ copies. ISBN 0 949738 8
X. All editions out of stock 1981. Pre-cursor to the ‘Lee-Enfield Story’, this
is regarded by many as a ‘first edition’ although the more ensuing ‘Lee-Enfield
Story’ had much more detail, serial nos., better paper & illustrations.
In Exc.- Fine condition ... over $100.00,
Used condition ... $75.00-$100.00

British & Empire Factory Production, Proof, Inspection, Armourers, Unit
& Issue Markings.
Soft cover, 11 x 8¾ in.,
140 pp, circa 80 illust., 2001. ISBN 0 949749 43 5.
Hard cover numbered edition is now sold out.
Thousands of service markings are illustrated and their applications
on rifles, pistols, edged weapons, &c. described. Invaluable reference on unit
markings, also ideal for medal
collectors. New edition (Mk 2) soon!!!
Exc - Fine pb $1,000+ paperback, $1,500+ for hard cover |
Presentation, numbered
copy edition, autographed.
Deep maroon leatherette cover, gold-block lettering on cover, 11¼ x 8¼ in.,
410 pp, c.1,300 illust., 1982. Three hundred hand-numbered copies printed,
mostly pre-publication orders. This edition was printed on gloss art paper
which renders photographs and illustrations better defined than the standard
edition. Current value largely depends upon condition of the copy. ...
c. $120.00 to $150.00 |
‘B.S.A. CATALOGUE’ circa 1910
Soft cover, 10¾ x 7¾ in., 48 pp, 2-colour printing.
Describes B.S.A. production Lee-Enfield military & sporting models, Cadet &
small-bore Martinis, War Office Pattern trainers, air rifles, rifle club &
optical sights, ammunition and more.
Well illustrated, this 1999 facsimile reprint has even better definition than
original copies which have survived. Reproduced on quality art paper, worth
$30+. |
Hard cover with dust jacket, 11¼ x 8¼ in., 504 pp, c.1,000 illust.,
1993. ISBN 0 949749 15 X.
The Lee-Metford, Lee-Enfield, S.M.L.E. & No.4 Series Rifles & Carbines, 1888
to the Present.
Printed on matte art paper, thread-sewn perfect binding.
With expanded index & markings sections, this is now regarded as the 2nd
edition Skennerton.
Out of print from 2006, value largely depends upon copy condition. ... ...
c. $100.00 to $150.00 |
Regular edition
Skennerton & Richardson
Hard cover, thread-sewn perfect binding, dust jacket only on the original U.S.
edition, 11 x 8¾ in., 404 pp, c.1,300 b&w illust., 1986. ISBN 0 949749 04 4.
Printed on regular matte paper, with index. Standard reference for British,
Canadian, Australian, New Zealand, South African & Indian bayonets.
Out of print in 2012. Value depends upon the condition. ... ... generally
from $250-$400+ |
Presentation, numbered copy edition, autographed.
Dark maroon leatherette cover, gold-block lettering on mock
grain-leather cover, 11¼ x 8¼ in., 504 pp, c.1,000 illust., 1993. One
hundred hand-numbered copies printed, mostly pre-publication orders. Printed
on gloss art paper, this results in the photographs and drawings being
better defined than in the standard print-run. Unavailable after 1995, value
largely depends on condition... ... c. $150.00 to $180.00 |
Cello-glossed card cover, 11¾ x 8¼ in., 48 pp, with over 60 pattern drawings,
sewn binding & laminated cover, 1994. ISBN 0 949749 36 9. Drawings, specifications and measurements have been
added from ‘List of Changes in British War Material’ to make an invaluable
reference on the various patterns of swords, sabres, foils & lances. Depending
upon condition, sells for between $35 - $60. S.A.I.S. Nos. 13, 14, 19 & 21 are
also out of print now. |

Presentation, numbered edition
Skennerton & Richardson
Maroon leatherette covered, gold-blocked lettering on cover, 11 x 8¾ in., 404
pp, c.1,300 illust., 1986. Printed on gloss art paper which renders the
photographs and illustrations better defined than those in the standard
edition. Out of print in late 2008. Value depends upon the condition...
... $250 to $300+ |
Vol. III, Manufacture,
Training Arms & Accessories’
Temple & Skennerton
Hard cover, 11 x 8¾ in., 178 pp, 350 illust., dust jacket, 1995. ISBN 0 9596108
7 1.
Final volume of the series, a wealth of information on manufacture, markings on
Martini rifles and carbines and the many Martini accessories and fittings.
Copies in as new condition fetch $180-$250, used, circa. $150. |
Hard cover, 11 x 8¾ in., 266 pp, circa 600
illust., dust jacket, 1984. ISBN 0 949749 03 6.
British & Commonwealth Sniping, 1915-1983. Great War sniping rifle origins,
Galilean sights and ensuing British sniper rifle development along with the
contemporary Canadian, Australian South African and Indian issues and
specialist production in some of those countries. Indexed. Unavailable since
2001, value largely depends on condition. ... c. $250.00 -
$350.00 |
Hard cover edition, 9½ x 6 in., 124 pp, 205 illust., dust jacket, 1988. ISBN 0 949749 11 7.
200 years of service longarms and bayonets from colonial times through federation. Brown Bess thru' percussion Enfield, Snider and Martini rifles, short rifles & carbines, thru' long and short
Lee-Enfields to 7.62mm L1A1 and current issue 5.56mm F88 Steyr AUG. Soft cover edition fetches c.$40-$50 |

Paperback, 9½ x 6in., 56 pp, 130 different grenades illustrated, 1988. ISBN
0 949749 10 9. After a brief introduction, the British numbered procession
of H.E., illumination, signal, smoke, gas, chemical, A.T. and blast grenades
are described. Rodded & cup grenades for rifle projection also figure
prominently, from the grenade No. 1 in 1908 to No. 95 in the 1950s.
$25 to $35 depending upon condition. |
An Armourer's Perspective: .303 No.4(T) SNIPER RIFLE and the Holland & Holland
Laidler & Skennerton
Hard cover edition, 9½ x 6 in., 126 pp, 80 illust., no dust jacket, 1993. ISBN 0 949749 17
In depth study of the WW2 British & Canadian sniper rifle, its accoutrements &
accessories through to the 7.62mm L42A1 conversions. $250,
used condition c.$200+.
Early soft cover edition fetches c.$150+ |

‘SLR - Australia's FN
Hard & soft cover, 9½ x 6in., 122 pp, 200
illust., 1989.
ISBN 0 9597438 13 3. Out of print during 2006.
In depth study of Australia's inch-FAL with initial reference to Britain &
Canada. X8, L1 & L2 models with sub-variants such as American model, target
model, prototypes, accessories, serial numbers, &c.
Copies sell for: Exc.- Fine, $250.00 hard cover,
Used from $150.00. For paperback edition, deduct 25%. |
Skennerton & Labudda
Soft cover, thread-sewn binding, 2005. 11 x 8¾ in., 36 pp, well illustrated in
colour. ISBN 0 949749 81 8.
Tips and tricks for competition shooting of early MLE, SMLE and No.4
series. Illustrated descriptions, use of tools and gauges, aperture rear
sights and range accessories. Service and accurized set-up, stock
bedding and fitting heavy barrels also
described. Lee-Enfield shooter's guide to success! $40+. Available as pdf file
on DVD-CD now
Some out-of-print titles are available as .pdf files on
Research CDs.
See Bulletin Board |