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Our new!  Small Arms Series Live... ids - ian d skennerton
independent digital studio
.303 SMLE with Brian Labudda
DVD & CD set...
DVD: 1hr 24 min. PAL format; CD: 400mb
DVD menu: History, detailed identification Models & Markings, Safety, Live Fire, Field Cleaning, Armourer Stripping & Maintenance, Range Shoots, Collections.

Interactive Research CD: Manuals, Out-of-Print Titles, Marks & Models photo folder, Armourers Charts, Specifications, Research Material. Effectively, a new digital book.
$35.00 plus p&p 
Footsteps of Sparrow Force
DVD & CD set... CD has nominal rolls, photos, &c.
DVD 1hr 53 min. PAL format; CD 450mb

With 1940-42 movie and photos from Tasmania, Victoria, Northern Territory and Dutch West Timor. Authoritative, well-researched with interviews of officers and men recalling aspects of the battles in Dutch West Timor. The 2nd Ind. Coy. (Commando) went to East Timor and we conclude with their operations and more recent Timorese struggle for independence.
$35.00 plus p&p
or both Sparrow Force sets for $65.00 plus p&p
.303 Rifle No.4 & No.5
 with Brian Labudda

DVD & CD set...
DVD: 1hr 27min. PAL format, CD: 600mb

DVD menu: History, detailed identification Models & Markings, Safety, Live Fire, Field Cleaning, Armourer Stripping & Maintenance, Range Shoots, Collections.
Interactive Research CD: Manuals, Out-of-Print titles, Marks & Models pics, Charts, Research Material. A new digital reference.
$35.00 plus p&p or both .303 sets for $65.00 
Guns & Gear of Sparrow Force
DVD & CD set... CD has weapons detail, pics, &c.
DVD 1hr 23min. PAL format; CD 452mb

Firearms, guns, webbing, coms, demolitions, vehicles, aircraft, unit insignia and medals.
Lt.-Col. Thompson's 1940's 16mm film footage is screened in full and re-enacting is live.
.303 SMLE charger loading, P'1907 bayonet
2.5-in. EY cup, Mills grenade, Webley, Lewis, Bren, Thompson, Jap MGs, 3-inch Mortar live.
Aircraft, carriers, trucks & motorcycles, medals.

$35.00 plus p&p
or both Sparrow Force sets for $65.00 plus p&p
S.L.R., the F.A.L. 
with Kevin Adams

DVD & CD set...
DVD: 1hr 28min. PAL format, CD: 500mb

DVD menu: History, detailed identification on Models & Markings, Safety, Live Fire, Field Cleaning, Armourer Stripping & Maintenance, Live Fire, Collections. Inch & Metric models.
Interactive Research CD: Manuals, Out-of-Print titles, Mark & Model photos, Charts, Research Material. A new digital reference.
$35.00 plus p&p 
Full On - Full Auto 1. British & US Machine guns - PAL format
DVD: 70min - Action is live, Experience real.
1st chapter: A History of MGs, so different!
British: Lewis, Hotchkiss, Bren, Vickers, Sten, Lanchester, Sterling, Austen, Owen, L2, L4.
U.S.: Gatling, M1917 Browning, BAR, Thompson, M1A1, M1919A4, .50 BMG, GPMG M60, M16A1, CAR & M4, M249 Minimi, 7.62mm Mk48 & M134 minigun. Filmed between 1992 and 2015 in Oz, N.Z., USA, South Africa, Thailand & U.K.
$25.00 plus p&p.
Full On - Full Auto 2.  German, Comblock, &c. Machine guns - PAL
Single DVD, over 71 min of live action, PAL format.
A history of European, Soviet, Chicom & Jap MGs. Germany: MG08, MG08/15, MP28, MG34, MP38/40, MG42, StG-44, MG3, G1, G3 & MP5.
Europe: Madsen, Hotchkiss, Lewis, ZB-26 & FAL
Russian Maxim M10, DP28, DPM, PPSh-41, PPs-42, PPs-43, AK-47, AKM, Type 56, RPK, PKM & AKSU.
Others: Jap T'96 & Uzi.
Recorded 1995 to 2015 in Oz, N.Z., & U.S.A.
$25.00 plus p&p.
Robert W Faris British Catalogue
  and Memorial DVD
DVD & CD set...
DVD: Memorial 17min; Slideshow 12min, PAL
CD: 723mb

Catalog: Remington Lee, MLM/MLE, SMLE, No.4-No.9, P14/M17, Ross, Pistols, Launchers, Breakers, Bayonets, Sights & Accessories as pdf files. Photo folders with higher definition of most illustrations in the pdf file catalogues.  Truly invaluable resource for serious collectors.
$25.00 plus p&p
‘Girls with Guns'
Single DVD, 51+ min total, in PAL format
The menu features 3 different clips...
'Any Weekend in Arizona' .....
Ladies participating at the MG shoots. 11 min.
'Woman at Arms' .....
An historical look through the ages; movie heroines with guns, blades, pistols; recruiting posters; western action; &c. 17 min.
Calendar Girls' .....  
with the months introducing live action close-up with MGs, SMGs, shotguns and more. 23 min.
includes p&p in Australia
‘The Pattern Room and a
  Herbert Woodend Memorial’

DVD only, 40 min, in PAL format
Tracing the history of the Pattern Room from 1631 at the Tower of London to RSAF Enfield MOD Nottingham and finally to the National Firearms Centre today in the Leeds docklands near the Royal Armouries. This compilation of video and stills from over four decades show-cases an institution with no equal, and Herb's dedication to establish the premier national collection and relevant reference library. 
$19.50 includes p&p in Australia
‘The Last Coach - Cobb & Co.,
  Surat to Yuleba, August 1924'
DVD only, 40 min, in PAL format
Brisbane Movie Makers was invited to produce a short documentary and social record of the 90th commemorative event with the Yuleba and Surat Development Groups in August of 2014.

This DVD has 4 sections, a Cobb & Co. documentary by Ian Skennerton, social event edit by Rod Kay, a slideshow by Brian Labudda and GoPro time lapse of sunrise at the Balonne River by Ian. True Australiana. 
$22.00 plus p&p in Australia
Planned for the new Small Arms Series Live...
9mm Australian
Machine carbine
.303 Lewis Gun
.303 Bren LMG
.455 No.1 Rev.
Small Arms Series Live notes
A series of in-depth DVD, stills and live action, British, US, German & Comblock rifles, MGs and pistols. DVDs are PAL format, Resources CD has an interactive menu for PC or laptop.
Raising firearms study to a new level...
>> DVDs are PAL format, standard for Europe, Britain & Australasia. North America & Japan use NTSC format which does not play on PAL DVD units. However both system DVDs can be viewed on up-to-date PC computers.
  Video DVD is PAL format... For North America this plays on computers but not on DVD player which is in NTSC format. Research CD is for computer, all formats.

Pack & post  in special cardboard
                      shipper- $6.00 Australia
                                 $10.00 Overseas


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All rights reserved
Ian D. Skennerton

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