Please e-mail orders to
idskennerton@hotmail.com . Postal... A&M Press, PO Box 80, Labrador 4215.
We process Visa & MC. If no confirmation in a few days, we don't have your
order... there is no shopping cart now.
North American address is 1638 NE Beverly Dr., Grants Pass, OR 97526, USA, if
you are in the USA or Canada. |
12th Septmber
NEW in 2025...

Finally an updated 'British
Commonwealth Bayonets & Fighting Knives'
with added chapters and re-processed photos, 484 pgs, 1,000+ illustrations.
MORE TITLES from 2023...
1. At last, a book on 'British &
Commonwealth Signal Pistols'
by Rick Landers & Ian Skennerton., 64 pgs, 140 illustrations.
2. 'Proofs, Stamps & Trade Marks
for Rifles, Pistols & Shotguns
An International Guide, Edition of 2023'
by Paul Fowkes, edited with Ian Skennerton. 144 pgs, 2,000+
See our new YouTube page...
Owen, Austen, SLR, Lithgows, L-E Snipers, SMLE, No.4, No.5, MGs &c.


Subscribe to our YouTube channel if you want to see new clips.

'Broad Arrow Mk 2' hard and soft cover
editions, Presentation edition
only available from Oregon, this edition sold out in Oz, NZ and UK where
only soft covers are available now.
Don't pay US$1,000+ for a 2001 edition, the Mk 2 is much bigger and better!

Prices: US$50 (A$70) - soft cover edition
US$100 (A$135) Presentation HC edition with Resources CD enclosed.
Updated, expanded edition with larger page size,
20+ more pages, many more illustrations and colour plates.
Limited number- HC Presentation copies left in the U.S.
Resources CD has folders of photos & pdf files with more detail than
could be printed in a book.
Don't pay more for out-of-print e.g.
.303 No.4(T) Armourers Perspective!
Our new CD has pdf files including 'British Sniper', L42A1 & L39A1 Manuals &
Parts Catalogue, Faris catalogue, photo folders, video clips. We'll do a CD
on out-of-print S.A.I.S. soon. $25 plus p&p... $6 in Oz, $12
Replacement barrels
on Lithgow rifles can be determined by the number of inspection marks around
the breech, 'A' in a star with inspection no. below. Barrels have 4 view
stamps around the breech circumference. A 5th was added after inspection,
screwed into the action body. So later replacement barrels can be
determined, usually a replacement serial no. was stamped when fitted during
FTR at ordnance depot or by field armourers.
1st proof of the barrel was done in a proof block jig, 2nd proof with barrel
breeched up to action body. Barrels were dated on left side with year, e.g. '17, serial nos. were added after they were mated up when the
rifle was assembled.
Full On - Full Auto 1 - British & US Machineguns -
70 min. run time DVD
$25.00 + $8 p&p, $12 o'seas post.
'Full Auto 2 - German & Comblock MGs' are subjects in the following
S.A.S. Live - 'SLR, the FAL with Kevin Adams' . -
30 Years - From piano & synths to film.
Music CD by Ian Skennerton, $9.50 plus p&p.
Run time c.80 minutes, mostly classical piano; synthesisers near the end. -
Small Arms Series Live
DVD SMLE trailer from Badger at Milsurps Forum.
Click strip to download 8 min. trailer, well worth the wait!
Brian Labudda, new Wondai shop...
Bigger with even more militaria, parts, antiques, &c. at Wondai Q.4606.
On the main street (11-13 Scott St.).
An old service station on the corner, last on the left headed north, or 1st
on the right going south on Bunya Highway (49) from Kingaroy.
Postal... PO Box 770, Kingaroy 4610.
Brian's mobile... 0400 625 366
More on Serial Number Stamps on
When MLM, MLE & SMLE rifles left the factory, serials were usually stamped
only on the action body, barrel (right side of knox form) and bolt handle.
Base Ordnance Depots, workshops and armourers generally transcribed serials
onto underside of the sight leaf, fore-end (SMLE only) and nosecap (SMLE
only). Such stamps are usually different sizes to those on the body and
For MLM, MLE and early SMLEs, action bodies started with a progressive lot
letter (no prefix at first then A thru' Z) prior to numbers being stamped,
so the letter can appear above or below the numbers as a suffix or prefix on
the earlier rifles and carbines. Letter prefix/suffix was often not recorded
in factory records, such as the sniper rifle conversion lists at Lithgow.
Detailed serial no. lists are found in our Research CD for the S.M.L.E.
Shortened SMLE's... We've noted shortened SMLE's in UK museums
listed as 'jungle rifles', however unlike the Lithgow Shortened & Lightened
(20.2-in. brl.) they are converted or modified downgraded SMLE's. We also
note shortened No.1 rifles at the Singleton Infantry Museum with 18.2-in
barrels. It is noteworthy that these Australian 'short' rifles have only 200
& 600 yd peep sights rather than bed backsights up to 2,000 yds.
Pre-dating Far East needs, these are not 'jungle rifles'. A closer
investigation of the British origin shortened rifles leads us to believe
that they were modified at Base Ordnance Depots as some parts are
unnumbered, using spares or cannibalised components.
Some AFV schedules have rifles but fitting prevents a 44.5-in. long SMLE.
Pre-WW2, rather a shortened No.1, by about 5-ins. A short rifle in Faris'
collection lead us to conclude that the requirement would be for AFV during
WW2 when his was modified from a 1941 Lithgow. 'Tanker' models extend
well beyond the British realm. After the word spreads, beware of fakes! -
Visit our
site; eventually there will be more pages on .577 Enfield, Snider-Enfield,
.450 & .303 Martini, MLM & MLE, SMLE, Rifle No.4, &c.

DVD & CD set $35.00

DVD & CD set $35.00

DVD & CD set $25.00

DVD & CD set $35

DVD & CD set $35

DVD only $19.50

#23 L-E Parts Catalogue



Schmidt-Rubin |
MG Shoots in Arizona.
At the Wagonbow Ranch turn-off near Wikieup on state 93, 42 miles
south of Kingman on I-40, 130 miles from Las Vegas, 150 miles from Pheonix or
160 miles from Flagstaff. Flagstaff has the best priced motels for travellers!
The high
desert range in the Aquarius mountains has four shoots each year, the MG
Shooters website is at
Postal address: MG Shooters LLC, PO Box
5672, Scottsdale AZ 85261. Call Ed Hope: (928) 527-9171.
The SAAACA (Southern Africa Arms & Ammunition Collectors Association)
posts e-mail Journals .pdf files in color.
Back issues available. Range of topics from
antique to modern, rifles, pistols, bayonets, machine guns, ammo, &c. Go to
Arms Identification Series: exploded parts drawings,
SAIS #1 .303 Rifle No.1 SMLE
SAIS #2 .303 Rifle No.4
SAIS #3 9mm Austen & Owen MC
SAIS #4 .303 Rifle No.5 Mk I
SAIS #5 .303 Bren LMG
SAIS #6 British Sword & Lance- out of print
SAIS #7 .303 MLM & MLE Rifles
SAIS #8 .303 Vickers MG Mk I
SAIS #9 .455 Webley Revolver
SAIS #10 .303 Patt. 1914 & Snipers
SAIS #11 9mm Sten Mk I, I*, 2 & 3
SAIS #12 7.62mm L1 & C1 FAL- out of print
SAIS #13 Special Lee-Enfield, De Lisle, conversions
SAIS #14 .303 Lewis M.G.- out of print
SAIS #15 .450 & .303 Martini
SAIS #16 British Empire Cadet Rifles
SAIS #17 .45 Thompson SMG- out of print
SAIS #18 7.62mm L42A1, L39, 2A &c.
SAIS #19 Australian SMLE Variations- out of print
SAIS #20 .577 Snider-Enfield & Patt.53
SAIS #21 .30 Browning M1919A4 MG
SAIS #22 British Empire Sniper Rifles
SAIS #23 Lee-Enfield Parts Catalogue
SAIS #24 9mm Sten Mk V, VI & IIS
Handbooks... some out of print now.
Guide to Lee-Enfields'
- 50pp,
pocket reference - now out of print too |
.303 converted Carcano M91 long rifles in a rack (6 of) noticed at the
Lithgow SAF Museum along with Italian M94 carbine w/ folding
bayonet, re-chambered and re-bored for .303 British. Dutch 6.5mm Mannlichers
were converted to .303 at Lithgow for Dutch
East Indies, reportedly sunk by the Japanese en route to the Dutch
East Indies. These are the subject of an article posted on our
Archives page. The .303 Carcanos and .303 Mannlichers, both previously in 6.5mm
calibre, are very likely related.
The Lithgow Small Arms Museum campaign to buy the land and buildings from
Thales (no
longer ADI or Australian government) is no longer applicable. To contact the Museum write to LSA Museum,
PO Box 564, Lithgow NSW 2790, Australia.
www.enfieldcollector.com/lithgow.html to view this fine record of Australian
service and commercial firearms history.
US Army, Navy & Air Force
bases 'public' museums are off limits to foreigners without prior
arrangement, since 9/11. Bases at Aberdeen, Rock Island,
Dayton AFB and others open now only to US nationals, access to all US
bases is restricted. Even for British, Australian, Kiwi or Canadian
ally or ex-serviceman who served alongside US forces!
So much for allies whose men have also made
sacrifices for the cause. Politics again...